Spray paint the scrunches and create the figures to the bikini top is a similar shape to the picture below.In this case, we'll create the newspaper scrunches and cover them directly with paper machè. Now we have the bottom part, let's go for the bikini top.Secure with a safety pin to each side if necessary so the glue doesn't fall off at any time. In turn, you'll have to glue each side to the bikini bottom with hard glue too. When the paint has dried, turn the pieces of cardboard over and glue the rouge fabric to each side with some hot glue.

Meanwhile, cut out two pieces of the rouge fabric long enough so they get to the floor starting from your crotch.Now you can spray-paint both sides in gold and leave to dry.Once the shapes have stuck to the cardboard, cover with paper and white glue so that the letters from the newspaper don't show and you get a fine surface.Create a roman-like pattern by twirling up pieces of newspaper, stick them on the cardboard to create the winding shapes with glue.Make sure they are both big enough to cover the front and the back of the bottom of your Princess Leia bikini costume respectively. To do so, you'll need to cut two pieces of cardboard into a triangular shape with rounded ends. The first step will be to create the bottom part of the metal bikini.Rouge fabric (preferably light material such as loincloth).Brown/military green bikini top and bottom.How about being a bit more daring and going for the Princess Leia bikini costume look? Take a look at this easy step by step tutorial and get the look! What you need Don't want to go in a classic Leia costume? If you're an old school Star Wars fan, then you're bound to remember Carrie Fisher chained to Jabba the Hut while she was enslaved in Return of the Jedi.